Audiobook. This is a collection of essays about places visited or extraordinary activities. For example, she writes about Midland, Texas during Bush’s campaign for the 2000 election. (Someone pronounced George W a fine fellow who never made a dime.) And she explores the world of the animal horder, specifically a woman who had countless tigers in New Jersey. After a battle that took years, the state was able to get a judgment requiring her to disperse the tigers to other places. But the author points out that recidivism among animal horders is nearly 100%. And then there was the movement to Free Willy, a whale oriented to humans from early life and the humans managed to mistreat him both in captivity and in setting him free. Then there was the trip to Bhutan with a group of women going there to visit the iconic penises and receive blessings that might improve their fertility. Yikes.
It turns out this audiobook is “unabridged selections” which I suppose means the whole essay was read, but not all the essays from the book.