Trilogy by Henry Handel Richardson, pseudonym of Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson, an Australian who lived from 1870 to 1946. The first book is Australia Felix, the second, The Way Home, and finally, Ultima Thule. Thanks to Tony, guest writing for Whispering Gums. At UVa, not Jeff-Madison.
Catherine the Great. Robert K. Massie. In Clemons.
Cleopatra: a life by Stacy Schiff. Reviewed in NYT, widely praised.
Revelations by Elaine Pagels. Reviewed by Ron Charles, Adam Gopnik.
Man Seeks God by Eric Weiner. Saw him speak at Cville Festival of the Book. Audiobook.
Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul by John M. Berry. Review in Washington Post. Available at Jefferson Madison on 14 cds or in print at UVa.
The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. Audiobook, after all the book is a series of lectures he made.