I came across a reference to this lovely book of photographs in Ramona Koval’s By the Book and found that the art library at UVa has a copy.
Kertész was born in Hungary in 1894 and died in 1984. He is considered the father of photojournalism and was the first photographer to have a solo exhibition (1927 in Paris). The rise of the Nazis caused him to emigrate to the US where he lived the rest of his life. Much more detail about his interesting life is to be found on Wikipedia.
Each of the 63 photographs in this small book features a reader in wildly different settings and the collection ranges in date from 1915 to 1970. Three children sitting on a street in Hungary, people reading while sunning themselves on New York City rooftops, a well-dressed woman sitting in a wintry forest in Bellevue Forest in Paris are a few of my favorites. I liked a street scene from Washington Square in 1970 with a painting of a reader leaning against a building.
You can see the images by using a google search with the terms kertesz reading images.
André Kertész, On Reading, Penguin Books, 1971, 63 pages. Available at the UVa library and from Amazon.