Kate Atkinson, Transcription.
Gary Shteyngart, Lake Success. Funny/grim.
Joanne Freeman read her new book: Field of Blood.
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan (giller shortlist)
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David Blight
Middlemarch by George Eliot
French Exit by Patrick DeWitt (another giller shortlist)
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson (at Jeff-Mad)
The Road Through Miyama by Leila Philip. UVa has it.
Island Home by Tim Winton. Audiobook.
The Beauties – Essential Stories by Anton Chekhov, trans. Nicholas Pasternak Slater. Tony’s review.
The Italian Teacher. New one by Tom Rachman.
All is Forgotten, Nothing is Lost by Lan Samantha Chang. Recommended by Jen. Jeff-Mad has.
Shell by Kristina Olsson. Lisa’s book of the year. Available in print and kindle.
House at the Edge of Night by Catherine Banner (Erin rec). Available as audio download and print at Jeff-Mad
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner. Recommended by Joanne Freeman on Backstory.
Elizabeth Jolley favorites of Tim Winton: Cabin Fever and My Father’s Moon. UVa has.
The Far Field by Madhuri Vijay. Ron Charles review. Audiobook avail. 1/15
Dear Mrs. Bird. Tony loved it. Have a hold on Jeff-Madison audiobook.
Strange Weather in Tokyo. Have a hold for book at Jeff-Madison.
Late in the Day by Tessa Hadley. NYT review.
Cold Spring Harbor by Richard Yates. Enthusiastic review by Reading Matters.
HOUSEKEEPING is a wonderful book. Can’t wait to hear how you like it. One of my favorites!